Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Straw Man

ok so i had this epiphany the other day. i think if i could pinpoint the thing which has always been most important to me, i think i would say it was understanding. like the idea of being truly known and understood by another person was probably one of the most important things to me.

but the other day, here's what i realized: it is very very very seldom that anyone really *knows* another person....and let me explain what i mean. in general, we're all lazy and don't care all that much. so we often look for shortcuts or heuristics, as they're referred to by those who study influence.

so how does this relate to people? people are complex. but were not really interested in taking the time to see all that. it's much easier to label people and see them only as 2 dimentional...maybe even one.

'she's the religious one'. 'he's the mess up.' 'she's the blah blah blah'. when the truth is you don't know didly squat about a single one of them...and you don't really care to either.

"They can't tell me who to be
Cause I'm not what they see.
Yeah, the world is still sleepin
while I keep on dreaming for me.
And their words are just whispers and lies
that I'll never believe."

--Goo Goo Dolls


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