Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Beyond the Crossroads

We are all searching for something. And so in a sense, each of us is on a journey to somewhere. It's a long road. Some people spend their whole lives searching, but never arrive. Others arrive, without even knowing that they have.

The most painful part of the journey are the illusions. And just like the mirage of the desert, every path has them. These are those images we mistaken for our dreams. But when we reach out to touch them, they disappear. And only then do we realize that they were never real.

At this point, the traveler has one of two options. They may stop. The disillusionment being too hard to bear, they forsake the search. Or they may fall, rest, stop for a while. They admit their defeat, cry, feel humiliation, and become acutely aware of their humanness and utter blindness. And then after having been humbled and in that way sofened, they can stand again.

They keep walking.

The most fortunate are those who can one day come, look around them, and smile--from the inside...Realizing that what they seek can never be found out there, because it was with them all along.

And by that I don't mean that through some sort of self-worship, one can reach enlightenment. No. What I mean is God is not a destination...He is a path....And the only path to peace.

I'm not there yet. But I think I'm ready to start walking again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When you get the blanket thing, you can relax, because everything you could ever want or be, you already have and are."
- i heart huckabees =P

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I don’t know. The metaphysical is so unreliable. I think it is much simpler than that. The more you move your body the more you get out of life. The more you care about others the more others care about you. The more money you have, the less you have to work as somebody’s paid slave. ect….

9:23 AM  

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